Wisdom Teeth

Decoding Wisdom Teeth

Let’s talk about Wisdom Teeth – those sneaky molars that like to make an entrance at the back of your mouth. I’ve had my fair share of encounters with these little troublemakers, and I thought I’d share some insights with you.

So, what exactly are Wisdom Teeth? Well, they’re the eighth tooth on each side, both top and bottom, counting backward. Tooth numbers 29, 30, 31, and 32, if you’re keeping track. Now, not everyone gets all four. Some lucky souls have none, some have a couple, and others might have the full set.

Now, here’s the scoop on why they’re called Wisdom Teeth. They typically decide to show up fashionably late, usually in our late teens, around the college years. They’re the last to make an appearance, and for some folks, they might not show up at all.


But why can these seemingly innocent molars turn into a headache? Well, it turns out our modern jaws are a bit on the smaller side, making it a tight fit for all 32 teeth. So, if there’s not enough room for these latecomers, they might decide to cause some trouble.


Picture this: crowded teeth, misalignment, and a potential dental disaster. Sometimes they come in at odd angles, get stuck, and voila – you’ve got yourself an impacted Wisdom Tooth. This can mess with the alignment of your other teeth, leading to all sorts of issues like twisting and decay.

Now, how do you know if your Wisdom Teeth are causing a ruckus? Look out for pain or stiffness near an impacted tooth, irritation from an awkwardly angled tooth rubbing against your cheek, tongue, or the roof of your mouth, and even an infected swelling in the gum tissue. It’s like a dental drama unfolding at the back of your mouth!

So, what’s a person to do if these molars decide to throw a party? First things first, a trip to Smilee Dental is in order. But if you’re at home and need some relief, ice, painkillers, and saltwater rinses might offer a helping hand. And don’t forget to keep things clean – trapped food is not your friend.

Now, let’s talk about dentist intervention. X-rays can help figure out the Wisdom Teeth situation. The Team at Smilee Dental can guide you through the eruption process, recommend cleaning techniques, and even prescribe antibiotics if needed. If things get really out of hand, we might suggest extracting the troublesome tooth.

Speaking of extractions, it’s one of the most common oral surgeries in Canada. The process depends on the tooth’s position and root shape, and it might involve a simple extraction or a more surgical approach.

But should you pull out your Wisdom Teeth routinely? Not necessarily. If there’s room and they’re behaving, they can coexist peacefully with the rest of your teeth.

Now, post-extraction, expect a bit of swelling and discomfort. It’s all part of the process. Follow our team’s post care advice, take painkillers if needed, and keep an eye on those stitches. A follow-up visit will ensure everything’s healing as it should.

If you’re curious about post-surgery care, our dental team has some handy instructions that you can check out. And if you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re here for you!